Milestone Planning & Research, Inc. (MPR) is a firm specializing in delivering successful project and portfolio management performance on technology-based projects including Information Technology, ERP, New Product Development and Business Transformation. MPR provides web-based portfolio and project management software, consulting services, contract project management and training. MPR also partners with several technology-based firms to deliver holistic customer solutions that include web hosting, statistical consulting, forecasting and predictive analytics.
MPR’s President lead consultant, John Aaron PhD (Economics) and PMP, has led the industry in developing applied, innovative methods and tools within the project management discipline. From 1989-1991 John was Dean and Director of DeVry University’s Master’s Degree Program in Project Management which was one of country’s first master’s level programs in Project Management. John started MPR in 1995 and continues to provide organizations with portfolio and project management solutions ranging from ERP to Information Technology to Defense Aerospace. John has several patents pending that integrate neuroeconomics and prediction markets into project management tools and methods.
In 2008 MPR created PRIMMS, a web-enabled project and portfolio management tool that uses Quality Gates and state-of –the-art Risk Management tools to form a complete Multi-Project Management system. PRIMMS integrates portfolio and project management. It is a cost effective and intuitive system that ensures better management control with all the operational benefits of SaaS (Software as a Service).
PRIMMS® is a Web-Based Multi-User Project Interaction Center Tailored for Managing ERP and Business Transformation Projects, Programs and Portfolios
Giving Over 40 Project Management Reports, Charts, Metrics and Dashboards for Planning, Tracking, Controlling and Communicating.
Data Exportable to Excel and Statistical Software as Well as Visualization Software.